Miramar Capital Partners stands out as a small business compounder that prioritizes owner satisfaction, boasting a perpetual commitment to operational longevity.

Sell your business to people who get it.

Frictionless ownership transfer. Passive management.

With our pre-defined requirements, we are able to facilitate a frictionless, low-risk ownership transfer. We’re not here to tell sellers how to run their businesses. Instead, we trust the experts, and take a passive, advisory approach to management and solution implementation.

Strong track record. Predictable revenue streams.

We’re looking for founder-led, B2B businesses with predictable revenue streams, providing core, fundamental services in manufacturing, logistics, distribution, or industrial-related industries.


Please fill out the required information and we will get back to you within 24-48 hours. If possible, please include the business name and website.

Create a website or blog at WordPress.com